Wednesday, April 1, 2009

about a game I recently played

I played this one game called( positive or not) on this website it's basically trying to figure out if these young people have hiv aids or not, it's kind of discriminating these people on just how they look, like how can u really tell if some-one has aids? u just don't know until they tell you, or find out when u get checked, in which some cases some people hide the fact that they have it. Just like that one football player who knew he had it but was still going out n having sex with these woman and passing his disease to them. He eventually got charged, that is such a selfish act to do something like that. That is exaclty like murdering some-one. If u have it be sure to tell your partner n your family a.s.a.p.
This game is kinda good in a way where there coming out and telling there stories, like how they got infected and how there not letting it ruin there life, but how there just living it. You guy's should check it out it's kinda interesting ,it makes you think twice about really taking care of your-self and going to get checked regulary.